According to the company, one of the aims was to create a body that manages airflow for directional stability in strong crosswinds and bad weather.
It played with a strong crosswind, left to right.
The aircraft had already aborted a landing due to strong crosswinds and had negotiated with air traffic control to approach using a different runway.
On at least one occasion while acting as pilot in command of an R4D, he departed the runway during takeoff due to strong crosswinds.
Surely his uncle had something in mind besides a touchy landing in strong crosswinds on a remote island.
Approach and landing procedures are demanding because of the hilly terrain and strong crosswinds.
The primary difficulty of the race remains its length and the strong crosswinds which affect the course.
The car was stable at highway speeds but strong crosswinds and certain pavement conditions caused it to wander.
Motorway stability suffers in strong crosswinds and a constant drone is heard from the top of the windows.
Road 600' long used for landings and takeoff during strong crosswinds.