As the firm evolved and Rod took his place in it, the siblings formed a strong collaboration.
Creative ideas that drive business are more typically the result of a strong collaboration between creative teams and account planners.
Learn about forming, managing, and sustaining strong collaborations; and connecting with your peers.
These pieces, all products of a decorative movement that began in England in the 1880's, stemmed from a strong collaboration between architect, designer and craftsman.
-Enhanced Partnerships: The legislation acknowledges the value of strong collaboration among food safety agencies.
The school has also strong academic collaboration with Rutgers business school.
"But what's also exciting is the client-architect partnership, which is a much stronger collaboration than is usually the case."
The Supreme Audit Institutions act independently and have a strong collaboration with their respective national parliaments.
It also sought to develop stronger collaborations with energy industry partners in the Western Pennsylvania.
The Sisters are trained in strong collaboration with the sister Institutes of the Catholic Church.