Conversely, weak adhesion and strong cohesion results in lyophobic conditions with high measured contact angles and poor wetting.
A key factor in many of these cases appears to be the strong social cohesion of toothed whales.
The relatively strong cohesion of the new business elites makes their cities even more effective as competitors.
The district is a district with a strong social cohesion, a versatile and provisioning a thriving multicultural shopping wijkeconomie which the heart is, says the plan.
It is also aiming at more and better jobs, a sustainable social welfare system which will result in strong national cohesion that counteracts see the divergence of society.
Homeless, displaced teachers and students could only home school, the school formed a national calamity and strong cohesion.
In addition, a well-developed infrastructure is necessary to reduce differences in development between regions, leading to higher competitiveness and stronger economic, social and territorial cohesion.
I therefore call for Commission policies to comply with this objective, otherwise we will lose sight of the objective of a Europe with strong social cohesion.
Therefore, as well as a strong cohesion policy, we also need policies for funding research and development in our universities and SMEs.
The chromatic melodies on "Phonetics" veer between abrupt and meandering, by a strong cohesion in the rhythm section.