Her face was handsome rather than pretty or beautiful, with a high nose, strong cheekbones, and a big, contemptuous mouth.
Seen this closely, she had the straight Antae nose and her father's strong cheekbones.
She was a young, dark-haired woman with strong cheekbones and a jaw like a lantern.
The dim light from the window illuminated Amrita's strong cheekbones and soft brown skin.
She had strong cheekbones, nice lines around her mouth, good teeth, a tan that suggested health without vanity.
His face had high, strong cheekbones and a wedge-shaped jaw.
It was long, narrow, with the high, strong cheekbones of his Celtic forefathers.
Having once used a camera professionally, I couldn't help thinking that she'd photograph well, with her big eyes, strong cheekbones, and clean jawline.
Rubbing just smeared it out, however, overaccentuating her strong cheekbones.
Lisele found the woman's face interesting: broad, with strong cheekbones and a sturdy chin.