He never attended college but had strong mechanical aptitude and mathematical skills.
Those who demonstrated strong natural aptitude were selected as trainees in the new special warrior corps, called the hwarang.
He was educated by his father, and in his early teens showed a strong aptitude for mathematics and geometry.
However, students identified by their teachers to have a strong aptitude for mathematics are placed into a Maths Extension program in years 9 and 10.
However, since he had a strong technical aptitude, Brillant started learning precision mechanics in Lviv.
So many fighters were needed for the fleet that virtually anyone with a background in flying or even a strong aptitude was offered a slot.
She has a strong aptitude with the One Power, but is frequently depicted as proud and foolish.
A strong aptitude for math is important for a computer scientist.
Holmes displays a strong aptitude for acting and disguise.
She showed already at an early age a strong aptitude for playing the piano.