As Sverdrup, Kildal was a strong antagonist of the sitting government.
With no strong antagonist, the plot is a bit tepid (although always plausible).
In combining them, the film makes a pair of so-so characters into a single strong antagonist.
Thus "the delusion of infallibility can never grow up in the mind of anyone except one who has never met a strong antagonist."
This strong antagonist of the catholic party called himself in public a catholic, even a catholic better than his clerical antagonists.
He subsequently became a strong antagonist of the government, and of the Hanoverian succession.
But, I asked myself, why would even his strongest antagonist at the church want to shoot the guy?
Patients taking strong dopaminergic antagonists such as those used in the treatment of psychosis are more likely than the general population to suffer from symptoms of depression.
Sandinar had been a strong and bitter antagonist of Carlo Guerrerra, Stallings' target.
He also complimented Carroll's appearance and Bridges's performance as a strong antagonist.