Often, stronger analgesics are required.
Traditionally, pain relief has been provided by relatively mild narcotic analgesics such as Acetaminophen with codeine, for milder pain, and stronger narcotic analgesics for more severe pain.
When other pain-relievers fail to control pain, your doctor may prescribe stronger analgesics.
The pain may be so strong that even strong analgesics do not relieve it.
In fighting drug abuse, we must not limit patients' access to strong analgesics to manage pain and preserve quality of life.
Another advantage is that its high affinity for the opioid receptor allows it to still be effective even when the patient is maintained on relatively high doses of strong analgesics such as methadone.
This is a relatively rare exception and the two drugs, whilst both being strong opioid analgesics, are notably different from one another.
More severe cases would also include mobility aids, strong analgesics and sometimes surgery.
Although opioids are strong analgesics, they do not provide complete analgesia regardless of whether the pain is acute or chronic in origin.
It was one of a number of benzomorphan opioids (including pentazocine, dezocine, and cyclazocine) developed in the search for non-addictive strong analgesics.