Ayya Vaikundar also offered a strong admonition to the followers of Ayyavazhi against conducting Puja (making offerings to temples and undertaking blood sacrifices to appease evil spirits).
She saw Thom off with a pocketful of silver and a strong admonition to search out some fruit and green vegetables; either man was likely as not to buy nothing but meat and beans, left to himself.
The problem, as Mr. Silman and others who have looked at the structure say, isn't age but Wright's failure to put enough steel reinforcing rods into the concrete - despite strong admonitions to do so.
Since many will use marijuana despite our strong admonitions, they need to be strongly encouraged to use in moderation and only occasionally - never at school, work, while playing sports or while driving.
To the Editor: Your story on March 11, "Saving Fallingwater From a Fall," pointed out "Wright's failure to put enough reinforcing rods into the concrete - despite strong admonitions to do so."
It is one of Jesus' strongest admonitions of his disciples.
"This panel has had the strongest admonition," he said.
His spokesman, Michael D. McCurry, added: "We certainly hope that as the new Government is constituted it will reflect President Yeltsin's strong admonition that policies of reform should continue."
Senator Strom Thurmond's strong admonition to the McCain campaign about its personal, negative and untrue advertising in South Carolina was a step in the right direction.
Nevertheless, the last word to his bishops today was a strong admonition that they not remain silent - a warning that seemed likely to rekindle charges, especially from the left, that John Paul is aggressively intruding into Mexican politics.