David Rohde and two Afghan colleagues were held for months in Miram Shah, Pakistan, a town where the Taliban and foreign militants are known to stroll freely.
During this last month of his life, he strolled freely around his neighborhood.
Mexican soldiers strolled freely today through the abandoned streets of this tiny forest village, which was retaken by the army on Friday after nearly a year under rebel control.
The Haqqani network's commanders and foreign militants freely strolled the bazaars of Miram Shah and other towns.
But only about five miles from Davydenko, in Samashki, just northwest of Shami-Yurt, there are freely strolling armed Chechen fighters.
Visitors can stroll freely through the many stalls of fresh seafood, lacquerware and other handicrafts.
The greenbelt surrounding Ottawa comprises 42,240 acres and within the boundary there is a government-owned experimental farm of 1,200 acres, where punters stroll freely.
People can stroll freely onto the rooftop courtyards, wander back down into the galleries, or navigate a staircase between the old and new buildings to the upper plaza.
Chatting easily as they stroll freely in the evening after work, they describe orderly factories and clean dormitories, a view borne out in visits.
And the program lurches into a scenario with a faceless actor, who, wearing a black leather jacket, strolls freely and ominously around Manhattan wearing a backpack the color of fresh blood.