She stopped by one bunk, gave a child a cup, stroked his brow, and moved on, approaching Kirk.
She turned onto her side, and stroked his brow.
"Sleep now," she told him, once more stroking his brow.
He lay back in the chair again, closed his eyes and stroked his brow.
Despite himself, Brigham imagined how they might feel stroking his brow.
Serena blinked back tears as she stroked her brother's brow.
Someone told him to sleep, to be easy, but he shook off the words and the phantom hands that stroked his brow.
She stroked the child's brow, and looked up, her smile broadening momentarily.
It was as if a soft hand stroked his fevered brow.
"We'll rest here," she whispered, cradling him and stroking his brow with her free hand.