Eventually, it became apparent that Louise could make money in burlesque, which earned her legendary status as a classy and witty striptease artist.
You have a friend named Meera who's a striptease artist?
Ecdysiast is a euphemism for a striptease artist.
Ms. Rivera is not an emotional striptease artist.
In 1973 Dragu moved to Montreal where she began her lengthy career as a striptease artist.
It evinces a jazz influence with especially prominent trombone lines, and evokes the feel of music used to accompany striptease artists.
What kind of a world are we living in when striptease artists give lessons at Galeries Lafayette?
I don't believe your striptease artist will be welcomed here,' Strand said.
It made him remember Romero and his striptease artist.
A comedy about a striptease artist trying to escape the police.