The lawyers contend that a prisoner of war cannot be stripped of this status under the Geneva convention.
At the games in Caracas in 1983, 11 athletes were stripped of their medals under similar circumstances.
In 2007, a similar measure was stripped from an emergency appropriations bill on the Senate floor under a point of order.
By April 1993 a number had been withdrawn and partially stripped with 31 in service or under repair.
BY the time Mr. Yi was born in 1941, the royal family had long been stripped of its authority under Japanese rule.
Items approved by the House and the Senate were stripped from the final bill, under pressure from the White House.
In 1864, he even bought Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, but it would be stripped from him under Reconstruction.
She may be stripped of her seat under a rule that allows the expulsion of members who miss five consecutive sessions.
He felt as though his soul was being stripped raw and exposed here, laid out for burning under the Senzian sky.
Parents will be stripped of the right to object to the expansion of grammar schools, under a new school admissions code laid before parliament.