"You look great," he said, taking in her striped skirt and a silk shirt that matched the cloudy-sky color of her eyes.
The striped and layered skirt was open at the front to reveal the braid-decorated robe beneath.
Below it, she wore a brightly striped skirt that stopped at about the same place his trousers did.
Wears a green and blue striped skirt and hair bow.
A fringed net shirt worn over a bikini with a fake-fur-trimmed striped skirt?
For the first half of the concert, he wore a jacket, a tie and a long striped skirt.
In later stories she wears a costume comprising a sleeveless red blouse, a red-and-white striped skirt, and a blue cape fastened with a silver star.
Gloria Mars, 59, of Sayville, looked professional in her blue jacket and striped skirt.
He smiled at the waitress, clad primly in a high collared dress with a striped, floor-length skirt.
The striped skirt is gracefully flared and sashed in a tassled plaid.