The fork tines severed white, stringy roots and drove the insects from their subterranean refuges.
For many months, it is an ugly duckling with unattractive leaves and stringy roots.
From the wild stringy root of human uprightness, she has reared a due sense of the Divine justice.
The tubers will have grown long stringy roots by this time, but these roots will dry up eventually.
She had been set to work scraping skins and grinding stringy roots because he had commanded it.
It never entered our heads to lash the logs together with tough vines or stringy roots.
His theme, in keeping with the environmental center's purpose, is nature, most particularly ginger plants, andromeda and irises - their flowers, swordlike leaves, buds, rhizomes and stringy tangled roots.
It spreads rapidly by its stringy roots and is not well behaved.
Also, even though crocus bulbs may be tiny, they often have long, stringy hairlike roots coming out the bottoms.
A lot of the seeds never germinate, and those that do turn into stunted, twisted, bitter, stringy little roots unless given sandy loam, plenty of moisture and protection from those awful root worms that eat their way through the flesh of any carrot worth eating.