Rigging and other string that Vimes refused to learn the nautical names for covered the deck and trailed in the water.
They had led by 39 imps at the midpoint, but after a string of disasters were trailing in the closing stages.
She smiled, her lipstick a bit worse for the wear, a string of saliva trailed from her lips.
When they entered her chamber, strings of beads trailed along their arms.
The strings trailed dazzling highways of refracting star images.
Bright yellow yolk stained her dainty fingers, and long strings of viscous glair trailed down toward the straw-covered earth.
He started to speak, so I let a string of gold eagles trail through my fingers and their metallic clink arrested him, stopped his voice in his throat.
A string of saliva trailed across the purple-red splotch on her cheek.
A string of foul oaths trailed in his wake.