It also includes a single, striking sculpture: a bulbous, pink stuffed-fabric form with three twisted legs entitled "Reclining Nude" (1969-70).
The overall effect is light and lofty, with a gorgeous hammer-beam roof and a striking sculpture of the crucified Christ by Dame Elisabeth Frink in the north.
It combines an elegant square-cross floor with some striking sculptures of royal and ecclesiastical patrons inside and out.
Post-colonial ideologies can be perceived on one of his most striking sculptures, Human Library, previously exhibited in Paris and Argentina.
A striking abstract sculpture replaced the fountain as part of the town's 150th anniversary.
And he has added striking sculpture and film to the memorable figurative painting he was producing before his Studio Museum residency.
Klein produced striking monochromatic sculptures from his own patented pigment International Klein Blue which relied heavily on ultramarine blue.
We made it a separate side trip, for the museum is a Japanese rarity, a vast outdoor expanse of rolling hills and bridges dotted with striking sculpture.
He opens the show with a striking sculpture that both confirms a traditional view of Nubian art and hides a fascinating historical twist.
They sat on folding chairs or ornately carved wooden stools amid striking sculptures of monkeys, vases and noblemen on horseback.