In fact, like a lot of things in the South, the case has been a striking reminder of remarkable change among rock-solid constancy.
Indeed, the stillness is the most striking reminder of time past.
This weekend was a striking reminder of a central fact about George Bush: He is not easy to pigeonhole.
But one, which was apparently outside the trade center when the planes hit, was a striking reminder of the lives lost.
It would be a striking reminder to the visiting detectives that his case was very much alive.
But it is also a striking reminder that while God works all things for the best, He doesn't always do it according to the schedules we expect.
Many are striking reminders of conflicts, confrontations and the capacity of people to change the course of history.
It is a striking reminder that even kings are mortal.
The abandoned Greek villages in the region are a striking reminder of this exodus.
A visit to Pine Ridge is a striking reminder that most reservations remain places of bone-crushing poverty.