The Liturgy was one striking indication of how unfamiliar Tchaikovsky's music can sound.
Perhaps the most striking indication of Motorola's problems is the fall of its cellphone business.
But the attention to Mrs. Clinton's articles is a striking indication of just how hot a political issue the debate over women's roles has become in this Presidential election.
Yet in a striking indication that Pittsburgh is striving to move beyond its past without completely forgetting it, the developers left 12 towering smokestacks that are brilliantly lighted at night adjacent to the mall's movie complex.
Jewitt's account of his behavior when he was taken to Maquinna's house afterward is a striking indication of his character and personality.
Nevertheless, the vote here, in a state that has not executed anyone since 1939 and has no prisoners on death row, was greeted by opponents of the death penalty as a striking indication of changing public attitudes.
It was one of the earliest and most striking indications that evolution proceeded much more by tinkering with ancient genes and much less by outright invention than had ever been guessed.
The only striking indication of its individuality was that the city council had tactfully adorned it with tall lamp-posts of Chinese design that had tops like small pagodas.
The most striking indication of sea-level rise, however, is at the shoreline.