On Thursday at the Lone Star Cafe, two blues artists from the Deep South offered a striking confirmation of the music's vitality and resilience.
To some traders, the bond market's behavior recently has supported the view that investors will need striking confirmation that inflation and economic growth are not accelerating before they will buy more fixed-income securities.
The popular notion of femininity as a construct gets striking visual confirmation here in two portraits of a Las Vegas show girl.
The pattern of interest rates is a striking confirmation of what business executives and financial economists are anticipating.
Probe a little farther into these, though, and we often find a striking confirmation of the music's emotional specificity.
It was prodigious, weighing in at 6 pounds, at least 25 percent larger than the average, a striking confirmation of the theory linking brain size and genius.
A striking confirmation of general relativity, in 1919, had been solar gravity's deflection of starlight that had skirted the eclipsed Sun.
"One-Eye" would be Wotan, also a very striking confirmation of the Eddaic tradition of Odin being one-eyed, otherwise unattested in West Germanic sources.
"The invocation of Wittgenstein in a stream of literary and artistic works," the authors write, "is a striking confirmation of the hold he exercises long after his death."
It was at one of these brutal exhibitions, whither he had dragged me in order to tell his latest results, that his theory received striking confirmation.