On the other hand, there are striking analogies between cars and cigarettes.
During the 13th and 14th centuries, a period of intense creative activity, Byzantine humanism approached its zenith, and manifested a striking analogy to the contemporaneous Italian humanism.
The final scene is soooo moving and is a striking analogy to the Hopi's prophecy!
Gold draws a striking analogy for the problem confronting the cochlea, whose resonant elements-whatever they are-sit immersed in fluid (the aqueous lymph that fills the organ).
The reader of this book will surely find in this a most striking analogy with what we have already said of the processes of Magick.
For rejoinders to the commonsense objections against a moving earth, Wilkins was indebted to Galileo, as he was for striking analogies between the earth and moon.
They have found striking analogies between the antifreeze proteins that allow two unrelated groups of fish swimming on opposite ends of the globe to endure in icy waters.
The tendency of some critics has been to minimise the French poet's originality by pointing out striking analogies in classic and Celtic fable.
There is a striking analogy here with crystal growth, except that it happens in two dimensions, not three.
This foreign dominion offers a striking analogy to the roughly contemporary rule of the Semitic Hyksos in ancient Egypt.