Convinced that medicine represented one of the greatest achievements of 19th-century America, he set out to precisely capture on canvas the striking advances then being made.
His new book has all those qualities, but represents a striking advance in terms of both technique and literary ambition.
That's a striking advance, bringing an element of fairness to the state's obsolete tax structure and offering hope for a crippled economy.
More striking advances are likely to come from new biological models of the brain.
The approach is expected to bring striking advances in computer design.
A generation of high-speed computers that are expected to bring striking advances in computer design.
The most striking advances may be in medicine.
The most striking advance, though, is what the geeks call "push" e-mail.
Some of the most striking advances toward freedom and self-determination are seen inside the Communist world.
The striking advances are again raising concerns about the possibility of government intervention in a market that is wasting no time rewriting the record books.