There was a muffled clank as the other man struck wildly with his gun, only to have it bashed by The Shadow's swinging weapon.
He struck wildly with what he still held and pounded an arm, a leg, a shoulder.
Where her own safety, her own comfort, is concerned, she will strike wildly--treacherously.
He struck wildly at her eyes, laughing as they puffed up into blue-black swollen sightlessness.
Clinging to the writhing beast's neck, choking on the smell of blood, she struck wildly.
Suddenly he clenched his fists and struck wildly at his face.
In her fury, she struck wildly and she missed her target.
Mr. Winkle struck wildly against him, and with a loud crash they both fell heavily down.
He struck wildly through the bars behind him with his other hand.
Huma struck wildly and missed a killing blow, but the Guardsman fell off his horse and did not rise from the ground.