The strike would once again demonstrate the power of the unions and would also restore Clasper's own flagging personal influence and power over the workers.
Even though the mines were successful in the short term, the strike had demonstrated that mines could actually be affected by collective action.
To the Editor: Wednesday's military strike on Iraq (front page, Dec. 17) demonstrates again the fundamental weakness of the United Nations.
The failed strike demonstrated that hiring replacement workers, once a tactic of last resort, may not only be effective, but could also be viewed as acceptable conduct.
The strike at Imperial Typewriters demonstrated clearly the conflict between the trade union bureaucracy and black workers.
As labor historian James Wolfinger observed, the strike "demonstrated the profound racial cleavages, that divided the working class, not just in the South but across the nation".
Unfortunately, what the strike has demonstrated is the museum doesn't have a lot of respect for its junior staff.
And the LAT makes the point that the strike demonstrated just how dependent American companies and consumers have become on the "just-in-time" economy.
In May 1898, workers in Milan organized strikes and protests to demonstrate against the government.
Last year factory workers staged strikes over unpaid wages and pensioners demonstrated in the streets demanding their payments.