Through all the posterior-covering denigration, let us remember what would surely have happened had we not struck decisively to drive Iraq from Kuwait.
The Landgrave of Thuringia struck back at the Archbishops decisively.
The Pentagon is surveying a host of unattractive military options as officials seek to fulfill presidential and public expectations to strike back quickly and decisively.
The Romulans will expect to strike back decisively.
His argument was: why should Japan not decisively strike at the right moment and take the risk upon herself of a fight against America ?
We must strike quickly and decisively.
One must wait for the proper moment - and then strike decisively.
In the past, we have won because we struck swiftly and decisively, putting an end to the threat in days rather than months.
I stand on my record as the war president who defeated Saddam Hussein, liberated Iraq and struck decisively against the terrorists.
When you decide to strike, strike decisively.