She arrived off the Dominican Republic on the 28th and patrolled the coastline of that strife-torn country into August.
Arab preoccupation with the gulf is prompting Syria to play an ever more forceful role in that strife-torn country.
A stray little Hungarian boy, sent away from his strife-torn country by his mother, to a new life in America with adoptive parents who didn't understand him.
In a strife-torn country where terrorist hijacking and hostage taking is a common occurrence, full-blown sieges have been few and far between.
Some, like Mr. Weah, left strife-torn countries, only to find themselves in neighborhoods where shots still ring out.
They can, as Benjamin Linder did, choose to live in a strife-torn country like Nicaragua.
It seemed that she was one of several hundred Muslim women missing from the strife-torn country, presumed to be dead or confined to a Serbian brothel.
In making their choice, delegates spoke of the need for development, healing, reconciliation and unity, within the Church as well as their various, strife-torn countries.
Yet in strife-torn countries, where the concept of nationhood is still evolving, we cannot be satisfied with declaring a victor.
The Iraqis so far have been reluctant to send troops to the strife-torn country.