Cutter led the way through the metal detector in the lobby, setting off a strident alarm.
With a look of disgust, he popped his claws and plunged them into the machine, putting a stop to the strident alarm.
The strident alarm was the very sort that would hasten their departure.
A strident alarm could not have alerted her more.
The screeching bird was not bothered by the inhabitants of the C6rdoba apartment house; yet still he kept up his strident alarms.
Bells were clamouring from the distance: short, urgent rings, the strident alarm of a fast moving police patrol vehicle.
An alarm, high-pitched and strident, began to wail, piercing in the closed lift.
Before long, he heard a strident alarm raised behind him, but by now he had escaped the compound and the Tleilaxu secret police.
Carol asked innocently as the strident alarm continued with its loud bursts.
Suddenly a strident alarm sounded outside.