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Since 1997 the area is strictly protected as nature reserve.
In fact, the mountain slopes are closed to the public and strictly protected.
Animals on the list were strictly protected and their treatment regulated by Soviet law.
While the species is strictly protected under Japanese law, its future remains uncertain.
To achieve this, personal data needs to be strictly protected and properly supervised.
A decade ago, the government set aside about one-eighth of the country as strictly protected.
Today, these reserves are much larger and are strictly protected.
It is the highest degree of environmental protection for the assigned areas that are strictly protected, and maybe restricted to the public.
Hunted almost to extinction at the beginning of the century, the ibex are now strictly protected.
It is strictly protected by the Chinese government, who have declared it a national treasure.
It has the status of being federal strictly protected land and a nature memorial of Irkutsk.
A few steps off the road leading into this village, a sign loomed, proclaiming the formerly lush area for nesting birds a "strictly protected zone."
The latter is unsurprising since we have no legislation that can specifically designate for a strictly protected area.
There are peat bogs, one of which (area 393,000 m2) was listed as a strictly protected area in 1959.
The beginnings of nature protection in the region date back to 1934, when the Bukowa Góra Preserve was created (now it is a strictly protected area).
It is also listed as a strictly protected species (Appendix II) under the Berne Convention.
The area is categorized as a Strictly Protected Area within the framework of protected areas in Mongolia.
Its buffer zone includes a less strictly protected area called Narew Landscape Park.
Of the total area, the strictly protected area comprises 89.517 ha, and the ecological recovery area comprises 1.596 ha.
Ornithoptera victoriae is, like all other birdwing butterflies, a strictly protected species.