Helping terminally ill people to commit suicide should be made legal under strict new safeguards, a major independent report is expected to recommend this week.
Rather than continuing this illegal, underground and unregulated practice, laws, like the one you mention in Oregon, with strict safeguards, should be enacted.
However, other states have barred physicians from selling drugs they prescribe, and others have enacted strict safeguards over the practice.
It also provides strict safeguards on the confidentiality of data pertaining to individuals or undertakings.
Mr. Woolsey disagreed somewhat, saying that there were situations in which secret evidence could be used, but only with "strict safeguards."
Entry into the interstate market, however, would be subject to strict safeguards, a bow to Mr. Brooks.
Needless to say, one such entry would be unacceptable, and we've adopted strict safeguards to prevent any such problems.
Costs to Be Higher Certainly the plan will require strict safeguards to satisfy the credit markets.
Communications data can only be acquired under strict safeguards and must not unduly interfere with our privacy or civil liberties.
This medical revolution will require psychological counseling for patients and the development of strict legal safeguards for genetic privacy.