Despite the fact that Red's strict parenting often prevents intimate father-son moments, Red truly cares for his son.
Flight from pressure: strict parenting and/or onerous peer environments may cause the future devotee to seek respite in sickness and disability.
As parents of two young children (ages 2 and 4), we have rejected the false dichotomy between "strict" and "permissive" parenting.
She will remember him most for his strict parenting.
A few years following his parents' divorce, Young Cartoon left home when he was a teenager to break free from his father's strict parenting.
They further argue that such strict parenting also causes authoritarian and punitive adult political positions.
Dominic and Earl decided to join a local rap group, and because they both had strict parenting, they were forced to quit the group.
Is strict parenting better for children?
He said strict parenting and an emphasis on values would see his family through any difficulties.
After the break up of her family she moved in with her father, rebelling against his strict Baptist parenting.