Most Americans fail to meet dietary recommendations for many reasons, including strict dieting, poor appetite, changing nutritional needs, or less-than-healthy food choices.
But maybe dieters should reconsider: increasingly, experts on obesity are finding that strict dieting may backfire.
These binges are accompanied by feelings of loss of control, self-induced vomiting, laxative abuse, vigorous exercise, or strict dieting to prevent weight gain.
The success is the result of seven years of endeavour that involves two evenings a week and strict dieting.
But this does not mean strict dieting or listening to the rumble of hungry stomachs, a NASA doctor said Friday.
Many people take vitamins to make up for nutrients missed as a result of strict dieting, unbalanced meals, junk food or just because.
For those determined to foil biology, strict dieting is a life sentence.
Which also means that her emaciated look in "High Art" wasn't the result of strict dieting.
If you scored: 3 to 7, you recover rapidly from mistakes, but should get professional help if you often alternate between strict dieting and eating out of control.
Internal alchemy includes sophisticated visualization, strict dieting, specific sexual exercises and self-control.