She couldn't bear the thought of being under the strict command of this man.
I had the strictest commands to drive in to church for Mother Verney at eleven o'clock.
The Court approved another provision concerning testing requirements for late abortions, but only after interpreting its strictest commands to doctors as non-mandatory.
I handed Sam over to Gallagher and he put him behind the body, under strict command, in the backseat.
Although the troops are under strict Syrian command, they could not act without clear instructions from the Lebanese Government.
Rather, they said, Al Qaeda is best described now as an ideological movement, not a traditional terrorist group with a strict hierarchical command.
The end of it was a strict command that we were never to let her out of our sight.
Rhea's strict command that he should tell no one flew out of his head.
Unwilling, yet they keep the strict command, And sourly wait in arms the hostile band.
It was a warlord-type military formation without a strict central command.