Rose's strict beliefs often placed her at odds with her children.
In this, she was frustrated by the strict religious beliefs of her Methodist parents who frowned on any form of public entertainment.
This group is founded on strict constitutional beliefs, conservative social values, and the foundational ideal of limited government.
Hers was a strict belief and culture, born out of fear and harsh living conditions.
She was influenced from childhood by their strict religious beliefs.
It hews to strict, conservative beliefs but avoids theological quarrels.
Javert walks down the street, realizing that he is caught between his strict belief in the law and the mercy Valjean has shown him.
There are specialty shops for the ultra-Orthodox and for those of less strict beliefs.
As a writer he wrote poems which reflected his strict catholic belief.
To one brought up under the strict beliefs of the knighthood, all magic-users were untrustworthy.