Before the meeting, pressure was building among European nations to declare, at a minimum, a moratorium on debt payments from the stricken countries.
An anonymous donor had given 20 gallons of cooking oil, desperately needed in the stricken country.
And I'm not sure that issuing eurobonds for the other debt stricken countries after a Greek credit event will be of much help.
In addition he is appealing for tin openers, aspirins and vegetable seeds to take to the stricken country.
They want the money to come from a loan through the IMF, which organises bail-outs for stricken countries.
It was now time for the Russians to move in on the stricken country to grab a share of the spoils.
I'd like to hear what our counterparts in the stricken countries have to say about this!
In short, I think that we must seek to introduce in that stricken country the values we regard as so important.
The stricken countries will pay more this year in trade tariffs than we will grant them in aid.
We all have very close ties with the people of this stricken country.