Interior demolition recently started on portions of the 22-story building, which has a midblock section that stretches from 43rd to 44th Streets.
The building is part of the Lenox Terrace complex, which stretches from 132d to 135th Streets.
Another potential development centers on a troublesome site on the west side of 10th Avenue, stretching the whole block from 41st to 42d Streets.
But the 15-story, 1.5 million-square-foot building, which stretches from 33d to 31st Streets, was built for light manufacturing and warehousing companies.
The center, which stretches from 34th to 38th Streets along 11th Avenue, would expand northward to 40th Street, with the hotel on 42nd Street.
The new mall, with a projected cost of $140 million, would stretch from 124th to 127th Streets, between Second and Third Avenues.
Four years ago, the Parks Department started to renovate Morningside Park, which stretches from 110th to 123d Streets.
In those days, a visitor to the mansion passed formal English gardens and a manicured lawn that stretched from 163d to 165th Streets.
The center, stretching from 34th to 39th Streets, has been handicapped in booking events because newer halls elsewhere offer more than its 900,000 square feet.
The five-acre garden, which stretches from 103d to 106th Streets off Fifth Avenue, is still a bit barren, but that won't last long.