The garden stretched southward for several blocks.
A vast array of these domes stretched southward, to the outskirts of Sudal.
Following a tangent line of tracks that stretched southward a short distance to a sandy patch of ground, they soon found the shallow graves.
Highway 99 stretched southward through open fields.
The residential houses were situated on only a few city blocks stretching southward from the capitol building.
At his feet the slope of the ridge ran down into a wide and level expanse of sand that stretched away southward.
The organization is a self-appointed sentry, standing guard over the vistas that stretch southward through Connecticut, as it works to protect the environment.
The expansion will stretch southward from the current museum, a landmark building designed by Eero Saarinen, which opened in 1957.
The narrow beach below the road stretched southward for six miles before it faded into a thin line and disappeared behind the western tip of the island.
Southward stretched wilder, emptier lands, tree-stippled hills, forests like green shadows on, the fields.