No doubt about it, Tweedy, Browne's value roots stretch deep.
It makes large bends, sometimes stretching deep into the land, and has a rather different topography in the eastern and western parts.
No one was disappointed to find that the food was mere backdrop for an evening that stretched deep into the indigo night.
The jagged spine of the Alps stretches deep into this country's interior - and culture.
The old layers stretch deep into the heart of the planet.
Unlike the motorway, the Chiltern Main Line stretches deep into both cities.
If, as Kamuzu Banda says 'Everything is my business, everything', then the arm of government has had to stretch far and deep into the economy.
Algeria stretches from the Mediterranean Sea deep into the Sahara.
The two hundred sheep jostled and complained and tried to jump the queue that stretched deep into an olive grove.
The stone that supports it stretches deep into the bowels of our planet-it is solid and immovable.