Juggling multiple schedules around in your head can become overwhelming and increase your stress load.
The triggering stress load can be either localized to the failure point, or remote.
In their own tests, no matter how many fasteners were used, the joints were always the weak point under high stress loads.
Goes out on fifth mission and stress load catches up with him.
If it does the former, then the weight is distributed rather uniformly along a substantial length of the mass-driver, and the stress loads are tolerable.
There shouldn't be any kind of inordinate stress loads on the mass-driver just because of some structural damage.
And the recognition of that stress load is important, say experts, particularly in terms of your baby's health.
In fact, reducing the stress load on me won't do any harm at all.
It's like buying a new spinner: you put any stress load on at all and your warranty's invalidated.
In their own tests, the joints were always the weak point under high stress loads regardless of the number of fasteners.