When it browned, he added handfuls of water, evoking a strenuous protest of steam, until satisfied.
So he plucked a blade of grass, evoking a strenuous protest from the bank, and poked it in the water.
Then, with staff cutbacks, she was dismissed, despite strenuous protests from her fans.
Despite Anya's best efforts and strenuous protests, she had been running on tea and nerves, longing for coffee occasionally, but without any real urgency.
Israel has filed strenuous protests [1] against this policy, asserting that:
(In the face of strenuous protests the rules were revised, but still seem to favor the usual suspects.)
There were strenuous protests, of course.
But after strenuous protests by older citizens who objected to paying the surtax that helped finance the program, Congress acted last week to scale it back.
The announcement drew strenuous protest from Democrats in Congress.
And Albany would face strenuous local protests against acquisition of land.