Later on the same day, the depression strengthened slightly.
The dinar strengthened slightly on Monday at 460 to the dollar, compared to 480 to the dollar the day before.
On the next morning, it entered Gulf of Tonkin and strengthened slightly.
It then moved out to sea, strengthening slightly into a tropical storm on July 15.
The storm moved erratically northwestward throughout the day, strengthening slightly.
The dollar actually strengthened slightly, to 143.45 yen from 143.20 yen, before the announcement this morning.
Within the next several hours, Irina was able to strengthen slightly, as the storm moved very close along the coast of Madagascar.
The storm later strengthened slightly but dissipated on October 28.
Over the next two days it strengthened slightly.
Respondents stated that they believe these changes either slightly or significantly strengthened their regulatory program.