This they thought would strengthen their professional image as brothers.
This habit strengthened his image as a man alone, cut off from the rest of the world by a past he would not discuss.
In a statement, Digital said the review was intended "to strengthen its global image and provide a singular corporate voice."
The company switched from horses to mules and painted their cars yellow in an attempt to strengthen their image.
A sustainable approach can strengthen your image and help you win business.
California's six-year economic boom, which strengthened the state's image as a land of boundless opportunity, may be coming to an end.
He doubtless wants an international success that would strengthen his domestic image and his ability to implement reform.
Thatcher strengthened her image on being decisive but lost ground on being energetic.
His sudden death by his own hand only served to strengthen his already legendary image.
Its passage would be a major success of his first term and would strengthen his image as a friend of the environment.