In 1921-1931, MRYU started strengthening and intensifying activities.
The Americans will also encourage destruction of opium-processing laboratories and a crackdown on brokers, while providing funds to strengthen antisumggling activities by neighboring countries.
He had rejoined the company at the invitation of the Chairman to strengthen international activities.
We spent the two days looking at what would constitute a healthy sustainable community and then how to strengthen the existing structures and activities to achieve this.
Instead of risking contributing to instability in Afghanistan with a crackdown, American and British authorities have said they will concentrate on trying to strengthen anti-smuggling activities in countries bordering Afghanistan.
Third priority should be the needs of critically needy humanitarian relief, for children in third world countries, for example, to strengthen such activities supported by United Nations and Unesco funds.
The PBIF effort is not intended to replace any existing activity, but to complement, link and strengthen current regional activities.
Strengthen activities in MEMS sensor based technology applications.
Iron metallurgy and advanced agricultural techniques strengthened economic activities.
It recognises the diversity of impacts between countries and offers support both to the sugar sector and to strengthening alternative economic activities.