Then, however, her strength rapidly deserted her.
It seemed to him later that strength must have deserted him.
Every thought vanished from his head, and all his strength deserted him.
Teani sat as if strength and confidence had suddenly deserted her.
His strength deserted him; otherwise he would have whirled the chair around and cursed out his friend.
She was almost always happy, but her strength at times would suddenly desert her.
She didn't actually faint, but Mary screamed until something in her head gave way and the strength deserted her muscles.
But then abruptly her strength deserted her once again, drained in an instant's time, and the fire died in her hand.
Drachea's head for heights was sound enough, but as they climbed the treacherous steps it became evident that his strength was rapidly deserting him.
Tiny beads of sweat broke out all over his forehead, and the strength he had drawn up in the shootout deserted him.