A racecar version is $119,000; the street version will cost $159,000, according to the company.
Launched in 1993 as a street version, it would use the largest V12 engine ever fitted to a production road car up to that time.
Stickball, a street version of baseball, was popularized by youths in the 1930s.
The car was primarily designed for rallying, but was also sold in a street version.
They are the street version of Chuck Close's giant heads.
There is also a street version of "Singin' in the Rain".
It's the street version of what all economists know: that a huge number of jobs these days do not pay a living wage.
At least the rest of the 'car class' run the same arrangement as the street version.
It's just a cheaper street version of Charlie, your car!
What followed, police officials told the Times, was "a street version of 'hot potato'":