They provide court advocacy and supervised alternatives to incarceration for young people, as well as street outreach and supervision.
This is accompanied by street outreach, local festivities, church functions, and many alternative forms of internal or (soulful) expression.
Other services include employment and job-skills training, education, life-skills training, mental health and substance abuse counseling, mentoring, violence intervention programs, juvenile justice, and street outreach.
Casa Alianza provides a range of services from street outreach to legal aid services and care for over 12,000 children a year.
In the web of social services that the county provides for its neediest citizens, street outreach is among the most easily overlooked.
Accompanying such music, street outreach, local festivities, church functions, and many alternative forms of internal or (soulful) expression may occur.
It would also budget $4 million for street outreach, emergency shelters and transitional living centers.
Ketamine was the second most used illicit drug (behind ecstasy) in absconding Taiwanese adolescents as reported by a multi-city street outreach survey.
The approach is the key thing in street outreach.
These grants fund a wide variety of programs from street outreach and assessment programs to transitional and permanent housing for homeless persons and families.