In 1770, a street confrontation resulted in British soldiers killing five civilians in what became known as the Boston Massacre.
There were angry street confrontations in Brooklyn and the central board itself split on how to proceed.
That has been the case since a 2006 military coup ushered in years of political upheaval that has at times spiralled into violent street confrontations.
And then, the recipe of street confrontations with the regime became the only...possible.
Summarize the discussion: the area to be patrolled; policies on street confrontation; cooperation with the police, and security measures.
Tactics included sit-ins, disruptive actions and street confrontations.
Mr. McKelvey called it a "street confrontation" similar to a barroom brawl.
Even if the special devices are more widely available, some law-enforcement officials say, violent street confrontations are inevitable in some cases.
The Weatherman faction evolved into a small underground organization that first took to street confrontations and then to a bombing campaign.
Instead, the city became the site of the first great street confrontation between the anti-globalization movement and the World Trade Organization on November 30, 1999.