If the stream widened enough, he might be able to build a raft of branches tied together with vines.
It wasn't until the stream widened and pines circled a small clearing that Ryder stopped.
The pond finally didn't grow any wider, but the stream widened and deepened, taking three of our dead trees down to the river.
The smoke curled slowly to the ceiling and the red streams widened about her feet.
When his sight cleared, he could see that the stream had widened, and that there was vegetation on the banks.
The stream had widened and the current had grown more sluggish.
In a little while, and gradually, the stream widens.
The stream widened to become a pond, shaded under four majestic oaks.
The stream widened somewhat and Isei found a place he wanted.
The stream soon widened, and recurring areas of phosphorescent rock lighted my way.