It was a painful process but he kept going - through the gate and across the field to where the shallow stream wandered among its rushes.
A steady stream of the curious wandered by, but there was not much of the Reagan house to see except the chimney.
A tributary stream also wanders through the village itself, coming from a spring that is believed still to have healing properties.
A stream of celebrities had wandered in before her.
Under the brow of the hill, they found a hole where a stream wandered into the dark.
He walked into the woods to where the stream wandered about.
It was a tranquil open place, where a small stream crossed the road through a culvert and wandered away into a field.
Fi- nally he marked a slash a little to the west of him where a stream wandered through.
He pointed up the road a little distance, to where I could see the line of the glen curve as the stream wandered among the hills.
A sluggish stream wandered between banks of dark red reeds.