The stream at the back of the farmhouses supplied the necessary water.
In the absence of permanent rivers or bodies of water, streams, groundwater, desalinated seawater, and very scarce surface water must supply the country's needs.
"Maize, although I don't know about whether the stream will supply enough water ... potatoes that ought to do well in a cold climate, some high-protein beans."
The stream supplied water to the house and the overflow went into the swimming pool of the garden.
The forest's streams also supply the drinking water for two million residents of northern New Jersey.
This stream, fed by small springs that emanate from the cave, once supplied water to the Logan community, a fish hatchery and 49 fish ponds.
A stream of water or burn which runs through the village supplied the brewery with water as well as the saw mill and the two other mills.
Today the stream supplies the Aylesford Newsprint site, the largest paper recycling factory in Europe, with part of its water supply.
A canal-like stream which originates from nearby dams such as Pechiparai, Perunchani, and Kodaiyyar supplies the village most of its water.
A steady stream of mad priests, gullible clerks and city gadabouts supply the prey for this story of entrapment.