At that moment, it seemed as though the Miami Heat's losing streak might grow to five games.
The ash streaks on the walls grew thicker the farther down we went.
Dangler's streak grows longer, the Post had trumpeted after the last robbery, three days before.
The streak had grown mythical in nature, gathering national attention as it broke the previous major league record of 23 and continued to swell.
His streak of races without a victory grew instead, and the rookies were showering him with sympathy.
That streak grew broader every year, and by her late thirties her hair would be all Celtic silver.
Ultimately, the streak would grow to 80 consecutive losses before it was broken in 1998.
A faint pale streak was growing in the east; it would be dawn soon.
That streak had grown to 24 races, and he had not even finished in the top three in a race since February.
Iona may toil in anonymity but as the streak grows, so will expectations.