Elizabeth looked around, saw a stray piece of piping, and grabbed it.
The man glanced around the alley, picked up a few stray pieces of paper and threw those out too.
He sliced open his right palm on a stray piece of glass.
It was less than two years, he thought suddenly, as a stray piece of the story came back, since her husband had died.
A stray piece of paper floated down from the sky, and we cringed.
He was constantly walking the halls, talking with students and teachers, even picking up stray pieces of paper.
While no academician, he had many experiences, ideas, and stray pieces of information to play with.
After all, he didn't want to lose his life because of a stray piece of sleeve.
About 2 hours later, an apple farmer noticed a stray piece of metal in the distance across the field next door.
Not a stray piece of hair, falling against bared flesh.